Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Over Spring Break, my family went to L.A. to see the musical Wicked. Let me tell you, it was a BLAST! I loved it oh so very much (well, except for Fieryo, but I'll get to that later.) For those that don't know, Wicked is a musical about the witches of Oz before Dorthy came. (It's based on a book that I haven't read because I've heard is extremely obscene.) My mom saw it last year and decided that Kendle and I would love it so she's been trying to find a way to make it possible for a while. Last week we finally saw it! It was way better than I anticipated! I've listened to the soundtrack for a while so I knew most of the words and figured out the plot for the most part but it's a totally different experience when you're actually there. We had really good seats (we were close enough to see facial expressions!) and the singers (is there a technical name for "singers?") were fantastic, except for Fieryo (the love interest.) That was probably because he was the "stand in." I was pretty bummed that he wasn't sensational but I'm still really thankful that I could go. If you ever get the chance, you should totally go and see Wicked! You won't regret it!


Ginny-Gin-Gin said...

So I just thought of the technical term for "singers", that would be "cast." Sometimes I'm a bit of a ditz. =>

Brianne Ramsay Dosch said...

ha ha. I'm glad you had a good time! I really want to see wicked

Captain Whitney said...

☺ That's why we love you, gin.

I am SOOOO jealous!!!! (which I think I'm spelling wrong ... which means I'm probably not) I've been wanting to see Wicked for AGES!!!!

Okay, so the book ISN'T good but the musical IS, got it. I heard really bad things about it and then really good things -- from the same people -- so I was all confuzzled. Thank you for helping my poor little head.

Ginny-Gin-Gin said...

Who talked to you about it, Katie? Now I'm curious!

I hope you both get to see it! It's really fun!

Kendle said...

It was fantacular! Very very nice. Loved it!

Captain Whitney said...

I actually don't remember. O.o Someone who'd read the book & seen the play, but I suppose that doesn't help you any.