Wednesday, August 24, 2005


I finally have my own room! I am no longer living in the "Dark Room" but I have Uncle David's room instead. It's still quite a mess (and half of the mess isn't mine! It's Uncle David's and the food storage's mess!) but it's mine! (I've been sharing a room with Kendle all my life so I'm very, VERY happy to have my own room!) Not much more to say then that. I've already got some posters up and we might put the old computer in my room! (It dosen't have internet though. ) I need to get a new blanket because I have a big bed now (I wish I had a small one but I have to have a big one.) I think I'm going to make myself a denim quilt. I'm thinking stars would look awsome!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Tom Welling

I thought that you all should see Kendle's future husband, Tom Welling (a.k.a. Clark Kent.) Actually, Kendle will never be able to marry Clark unless she convinces him to divorce his wife and wait for her. He's also 30-something so that put's a damper on things. (FYI she chose this picture of him.) Oh well, she can dream about him. (To see the picture of Clark go to

This is Kendle speaking, he is very, very, very,very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very (etc.) hot. It's too bad that he is too old for me and married. Oh well. He's still hot!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Harry Potter, Star Wars and Smallville

As you can see by the name of my blog, I'm obsessed with Harry Potter, Star Wars and Smallville. Everyone should know what Harry Potter and Smallville are but I don't expect everyone to know about the fabulous T.V. show Smallville.

Smallville is about Superman (Clark Kent) before he was Superman. My family got into once my Aunt Ginny introduced it to us. We are waiting for the fourth season to come out on DVD so we can rent it from Netflicks. My least favorite episode was the one with the bug boy (he was SO gross!) and the sadest episode was when (well, I would tell you but I can't! It would give too much away!)

Harry Potter is my favorite book series (but the Tennis Shoe series runs a close second!) My favorite book is book six and my favorite character is Hermione. I can't wait for the seventh book or the fourth movie!

Star Wars is my favorite series of movies. I like the older movies with the exception of the third Star Wars. Even though the third Star Wars is depressing it's really good!

I'm thinking about adding Megatokyo to my list of obsessions. Megatokyo is a really good internet anime comic strip. It's about two American mega gamers that get stranded in Tokyo. It's a little weird at the beggining but then it turns into a giant soap opera.

Well not much more to say except OBSESSIONS RULE!

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Two of my friends (Brianne and Sarah Ramsay) are writing a story with me and Kendle. It's a story about Faeries and we're each writing a paragraph and then voting on the best paragraph. I'm going to post each of the paragraphs and what we've written (yeah I know, I'm copying Katie) and you can read it if you want to. Keep in mind that it's the first draft so somethings might change.

Faerie Story
By Brianne Ramsay, Sarah Ramsay, Ginny Romney, Kendle Romney

"Can I have everyone’s attention please?" The Bindress announced to the crowded hall. Instantly the hall became silent, as if a spell had been cast. "As you know, my husband and I are very old. For the last three months we have been analyzing every graduated flingling to decide which four will compete for Binderhood of this great Bind. Not only have these Links been tested alone but in groups to see if their leadership skills are up to mark. We have matched together two pairs that will compete against each other. We feel that we have chosen well and whoever wins will surely be great leaders. Now we present to you the four contestants. Anwen and Trince will be our first pair. The second pair will be Narzelda and Gwenerth. May those who are meant to be the Binders win." The hall shook with thunderous applause.
Anwen’s brilliant green eyes widened. She needed to be alone, to gather her thoughts. She couldn’t handle being congratulated by everyone right now. Luckily she was near the back of the crowded hall. She quietly snuck out, even though no one would notice her leaving, especially with the hubbub going on.
"Where are you going?" Ffion smiled, tossing her golden blonde hair back. "Shouldn’t you be enjoying your glory? You and I both know you’ve been working for this your whole life."
Anwen smiled. Ffion was usually right, at least when it came to figuring her out. Anwen just wished she could see through her best friend as easily.
"You deserve to celebrate!" Said Ffion.
"Thanks Fi but I really have to find someone right know," Anwen replied.
"What’s wrong with you? If I was about to marry a total stud like Trince I wouldn’t be running away! Military guys are SO hot! Ooo here comes Mr. Fine!"

High School

If my blog site had music you'd be hearing a death march right now. Why, you ask? Really it's simple. School started yesterday. Actually, high school isn't that bad. It's a lot like Jr. High except it's a LOT bigger and everyone's so worried about themselves they don't pick on you. You're invisible and for now that's okay. Not much has happened, everyone's just talked about rules (which is kind of boring.) The only teacher I have a problem with (right now) is my english teacher. She said we have to do four bookreports a semester (which is fine with me) but there's two catches. We can't do books that have been made into movies (which I'm okay with) but she also said we can't do ANY Harry Potter books! Where's the justice in that? She said the Harry Potter books are "too much alike." Yeah right! How would she know? I know for a fact she's never read one! She also has a girl a year younger than me (her name's Marie and she's one of my friends) and she won't let Marie read Harry Potter because there's witches in it but she'll let Marie read another book that has witches AND children sacrifices. This lady has some issues.


Well, I hope that my blog page works this time! Like I said last time, here I'll write random things and (maybe) write somthing interesting at the same time. (In case anyone is wondering, my favorite animal is a flamingo.)